Also referred to as "lube." A water- or silicone-based mixture used to make masturbation or intercourse more pleasurable by enhancing or providing a slippery feel. Ingredients (which can include flavoring and herbs) and prices vary, but water-based lubes are the most widely used as they are appropriate for most sex toys (they won't cause damage to pricey silicone and realistic) and are generally safe for use with condoms. Silicine-based lubes are generally for use in water, but are also popular with couples because they don't usually become absorbed, thereby reducing or eliminating the need for reapplication. Lubricant also comes in many forms: liquid, gel and thicker creams. Thicker lubes are often used for anal play and sometimes include a desensitizer.
Results: What do you want this lube to do? Are you looking for a lubricant that feels as natural as possible? Then a water-based lube may be more to your liking. Affordable and available in a wide selection, you can experiment with different lubes without spending too much money. Do you want something with more staying power? A silicone-based lube is ideal because it doesn't absorb into the skin. It's also perfect for use in the water or with waterproof toys! Will you be using this lube for anal play? You'll probably want a thicker lubricant, possibly with a desensitizer in the formula.